Armstrong Mediations
800 N. Industrial Blvd, Suite 106
Euless, TX 76039
Phone: (817) 284-5500
Fax: (888) 836-3694
For your safety, the safety of the Mediator, and to ensure the confidentiality of the mediation process, no persons may be present during a mediation except parties and their attorneys.
Exceptions to this rule can be authorized only by the mediator.
If you believe your mediation should be exempt from this rule, please contact your attorney so the specific information regarding same can be communicated to the mediator by your attorney.
How to find us
Mediation can take place at our office or the attorneys may elect to conduct mediation at one of their offices. The location of the mediation has no effect on the process or the outcome; it is simply a convenience we offer to travel to another location. Written notice will be sent to all attorneys and self-represented litigants confirming the date, time and location ofthe mediation.
Still can’t find us?
If landmarks are more helpful, we are located in the building behind SuperValue Pharmacy on Clinic Drive.